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PB Mintues 4/2/12, Approved
APRIL 2, 2012

A meeting of the Salem Parking Board was held on Wednesday, April 2, 2012 at 4:00 pm. at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Mr. Caggiano, Mr. Doggett and Mr. Walsh. Also present was Parking Director James Hacker.  

Mr. Caggiano asked for a moment of silence over the passing of board member Sam Spatafore.


Mr. Walsh made a motion to approve the minutes of February 6, 2012 as amended.   Mr. Doggett seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.   


Mr. Hacker distributed the report on revenues through February, 2012.  For the parking garage and office revenue, January was down 28.4% and February was up 64.7%.  He stated that some funds may have been credited to the wrong month.  He stated that it was a similar issue with the South Harbor garage gate revenue which has a 12.3 % decrease in January and a 52.9% increase in February.  For the parking lots and meters, January had a 41.7% increase and February had a 34.3% increase.  He noted that they did not have the snow emergencies like that of the year before.  For the parking lots, January had a 18.8% increase and February had a 49.7% increase.  Meter revenues, excluding the Willows, were up 61.1% in January and 24.7% in February.

Mr. Hacker stated the city is a little behind its self imposed schedule.  The parking meter poles are being set in locations approved by the City Council.  He stated that they are about one-half through.  There is a Request for Proposals out for the smart meters.  They are currently testing 50 of them and have not gotten any complaints, except for one person who got his credit card stuck.  There was one meter malfunction due to someone putting a quarter in the credit card slot.  He noted that the company who put in the test meters will still have to bid.  He stated that the city needs to consider whether to have pay by space equipment with a more expensive cost or single space equipment where the cost to maintain must be considered.  He noted that the smart meters revenue can be checked on line and it will also send a signal if there is a malfunction.  He stated that there will be some issues with the garage technology.  There will be two separates rates for each garage and cards only acceptable for one location as well as a separate cards to use at both locations.  They are having trouble getting the program to do what we want it to do.

Mr. Hacker stated that he had his budget review process with the Mayor and Finance Director.  He included a slight increase for electricity to reflect the actual rate – an increase of $2000.  He also requested two part time meter control people in order to have the parking lots enforced until 9:00 pm per the new ordinance.  He stated that he anticipates with the rates going up there will be more quarters going into meters.  Therefore, he also requested a part time seasonal meter collector/repair person.  He stated that the requests were accepted by the Mayor and will be forwarded to the City Council, which will likely be referred to the Administration and Finance Subcommittee, before going back to the City Council for the final vote.

Mr. Hacker stated that there have been issues with the fire alarm system at South Harbor.  They can’t find parts for the system, so he got bids for a new system.  City Council approved $7500 and the system has been ordered.  He anticipates it being installed on 4/4/12.  He noted that they can’t run the elevator until it is installed.  

Mr. Hacker stated that the Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD) is working on an art project for the city and has chosen Museum Place Garage as a place to hang some art.  The want to put a mural on the Church/Brown Street side.

Mr. Hacker stated that they were having some major car vandalism going back toward the end of last year and had stepped up security and worked with the Salem Police Department.  Recently, it happened again, and the vandal was caught – one young man who was arrested and was released to his parents custody.  He is hoping to get restitution.

Mr. Caggiano stated that on lower Lafayette Street, there is a parking spot that is outlined on the street, but there is no meter.  He questioned if it is a real parking spot.  

Mr. Hacker stated that the meter was in such a place that it didn’t allow for the correct length for a legal parking space from the meter to the driveway.  The plan was to put in a new meter poll moved over and remove the old meter poll.  This work was completed today.

Mr. Caggiano asked if the implementation of the new plan will include signage for the new hours.

Mr. Hacker replied in the affirmative.  He stated that there is $200,000 to implement the program including signage.  The DPCD has hired a consultant to come up with ways to introduce the plan to the public including logos and literature.

Dr. Joan Zabkar asked if this board are appointees of the Mayor.

Mr. Caggiano stated that they are volunteers appointed by the Mayor.

Mr.  Hacker stated that the members are volunteers but that he is a full time employee of the City.

Dr. Zabkar asked if Tom Daniel was specifically charged with parking issues.

Mr. Hacker stated that Mr. Daniel is only for this particular project.

Dr. Zabkar asked if the minutes of the Task Force are available.

Ms. Guy suggested asking Mr. Daniel.

Dr. Zabkar stated that a group of stores along Gedney and Margin Streets are up in arms and are stating they were never notified of the changes proposed.   She asked if it is the Board’s impression that everyone in the city should have been aware that this was going on and why did the parking study working group only have one business owner - Rockefellas.  She felt their should have been a representative group.

Mr. Hacker stated we don’t know why different people picked for the committee and she would have to ask Mr. Daniel.  He stated that he was also on it.  He stated that there were several meetings with business people that were arranged through chamber of commerce.

Mr. Caggiano stated that he was also on the board and he is a business owner and a Salem resident.   Therefore, there was more than one business represented on the Task Force.

Dr. Zabkar asked if Mr. Caggiano had a store that people need to park.

Mr. Caggiano stated that he has office on Front Street.  

Dr. Zabkar asked if his business needs public access.

Mr. Caggiano replied in the affirmative and stated that there were other business owners on the Task Force.

Dr. Zabkar asked if he could provide a list of persons and what their business associations are.

Mr. Hacker suggested talking to Mr. Daniel.

Dr. Zabkar asked if he though it might have been wise and thoughtful for businesses to send at least a postcard to those businesses.

Mr. Caggiano replied in the negative.

Dr. Zabkar stated that the argument is that the Chamber of Commerce and some of the other bodies that represent the tourist industry.  She stated that these aren’t the people on Gedney and Margin Street and that she heard from many other similar type businesses who say we aren’t servicing the citizens of the city.  She stated that she has 40 pages of signatures with 20 on each and that they are up in arms.

Mr. Caggiano asked what they are up in arms over.

Dr. Zabkar stated that their access has been impeded.

Mr. Caggiano asked if they have each one of them contacted their City Councillor.

Dr. Zabkar replied in the affirmative.  She stated that supposing it were tweaked, would he have an objection to it getting some tweaking.

Mr. Caggiano stated that if it brought before this Board, they will tackle it.  He stated that he does not know what is being proposed to be tweaked.

Mr. Walsh suggested she start with Mr. Daniel.

Mr. Caggiano stated that the plan was not the Parking Board’s jurisdiction, but that he was a member of the Task Force.

Dr. Zabkar asked if thought there were more than two businessmen on the task force, because that is one of the big complaints.

Mr. Caggiano replied in the affirmative.

Dr. Zabkar stated that she did not mean the Chamber of Commerce representing the tourist business, but individual businessmen on it.

Mr. Hacker stated that the Chamber of Commerce represents business owners.

Dr. Zabkar stated that these local businesses think they represent the tourist oriented businesses.  It seems to be great for them, where they can come down and park by Steve’s for four hours.  She asked if Mr. Hacker would you talk to Steve about it.

Mr. Hacker replied that he would if Steve called him.

Dr. Zabkar stated that his business has been around for 100 years.  He makes tremendous donations to the shelter and the senior center and has been a responsible citizen.  They feel blindsided.

Mr. Caggiano stated that City Council is the one who changes Ordinances.

Dr. Zabkar asked if it would bother them to tweak the time on these things.

Mr. Caggiano stated that the Parking Board does not handle Ordinances, so tweaking would have to go before the City Council.

Dr. Zabkar asked if he thought some tweaking might be necessary.

Mr. Caggiano stated that if she read the newspaper article, it says that as the plan is implemented changes may be made in future.  

Dr. Zabkar stated that if customers of stores has concerns, they will take it seriously.

Mr. Caggiano replied in the affirmative.

Ms. Guy stated that she believed Mr. Daniel is meeting with Councillor Sosnowski in the Mayor’s Office on this issue tomorrow.

Mr. Doggett made a motion to direct Mr. Hacker to send a letter to the City Council officially requesting them to send the City Seal to the family of Mr. Spatafore.  Mr. Walsh seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for May 7, 2012.

There being no further business, Mr. Doggett made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Walsh seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.   

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy